Eta Alpha
The Mission of the Eta Alpha Alumni Association is to foster the relationships of the Pi Kappa Alpha alumni in order to provide the opportunity to keep in touch and support the Eta Alpha active Chapter.
The Vision of the Eta Alpha Alumni Association is to become a premiere Pi Kappa Alpha Alumni Group and a strong supporter of the Eta Alpha Chapter.
Become a Member of the EAAA
Eta Alpha Alumni Association
The Eta Alpha Alumni Association is looking for alumni interested in being involved as Regional Chairmen. Volunteers are needed for the following areas:
- Atlanta
- Columbia
- Charleston
If you are interested in a position, contact Chuck weaver - chuckweaver@charter.net
Eta Alpha Newsletter - April 2012 | Eta Alpha April 2014 Newsletter
The April 2014 newsletter is now out. Click the link to the left to download the latest version of the newsletter and to see what all the Eta Alpha chapter has been up to lately. If you have any comments or suggestions for future editions of the Eta Alpha newsletter, please contact Dennison Larue at dlarue@g.clemson.edu
| New Alumni Association Facebook Group
Network with other alumni and get information and updates on all that is going on with the chapter as well as with the Alumni Association. Join the group.
Clemson Pikes are now
"Linked In"
With the help of Brother Chris Peters, the Clemson Pikes now have a network within LinkedIn for Eta Alpha Alumni to connect with active brothers and future graduates in order to set up internships and possible employment opportunities. If you are looking to hire pikes, become a member by clicking the link below:
| 2015 - Annual Alumni Golf Tournament
The Eta Alpha chapter holds an Annual Alumni Golf Tournament every fall at a local golf course. The 2014 Tournament had to be cancelled due some unfortunate circumstances within the Greek Community last fall. Check back later for more information on the 2015 Alumni Tournament when it becomes avaliable.